Here You Get Complete Information About How To Freeze Dry Candy

Hi, I’m Mike
Hi! My name is Mike, I am expert in making freeze dry candy and here I will give you detailed information about how you can make freeze dried candies at home. What are the things you need and what equipment is used in this process. I will give you a proper and accurate information through which you can make freeze dry candies easily. Plus, if you wanna buy also, you can buy freeze dried candies easily. Make your life better with modern candy making techniques.
How to Make your Own
Freeze Dry Candy?

Hello Guys! As we know that candy lovers are always looking for the perfect and latest ways to enjoy all their favourite candies and treats. One of the latest and innovative method which is becoming more popular now-a-days is freeze drying candy. Well, freeze Drying Candy is a process through which you are able to preserve the whole candy flavour and its texture just by removing the moisture from the candy. So, we will discuss complete details of freeze drying candy like why this technique is becoming popular and how you can make freeze dry candy without any need of any expensive and costly machinery. So, through this way you are able to freeze dry candy in just no time. Let’s Starts…
What is Freeze Dry Candy?
First of all, you have to know What is freeze dried candy? Basically, the freeze dry candy is a method of preserving the food by freezing the products and after that removing all the ice crystals through sublimation process. Well, in the sublimation process, ice is directly transform into the vapours without going in the liquid state. That’s why, this method is widely used in all over the world for increasing the life span of any product by maintaining all its flavour and nutrients. Read More about What is freeze dried candy.
How to make Freeze Dry Candy?
Well, if you are having home freeze dryer or going to buy freeze dryer for making freeze drying candies. Then, I will tell you each and everything through which you can easily make freeze drying candies because the process is very simple and easy.

Steps To Make Freeze Dry Candy?
Step 1 | First of all, you have to go through pre-freezing process means you have to pack all your candies in a bags and placed in the normal freezer like you do. This is optional process but this step makes your next process faster because it’s better to get all the ting chilled before starting the next process. |
Step 2 | Turn on the freeze dryer and choose custom settings. Because the freeze dryer having special features like “candy mode” which activates only when you set such settings which are mentioned below: – Set initial freeze Setting to: OF – Dry Mode: Set to Fast – Dry Temperature: Set to 145 F – Extra Freeze Time: Set to 0:00 – Extra Dry time: Set to 2:00 With all the following setting, a note appears on your screen which shows “Candy/High Temperature Mode”. |
Step 3 | After that, you have to put all the candies in a freeze dry trays. You can use silicon tray because it’s very for easy for cleaning. But you can also use parchment paper. Most importantly, place all the candies on a tray and space them from each other. Because the candies will puff and expand a little bit. Plus, make sure that all the things should be in a single layer in the tray. |
Step 4 | Now, leave it for 30 minutes for proper chilling after starting your freeze dryer. |
Step 5 | One all done, seal chamber and click on the start button. After 4 hours of each cycle, you should open your freezer dryer because now, you are able to pack your freeze dried candies or able to enjoy such candies immediately. |
- Intense Flavours: Freeze drying process normally preserves all the original flavours of any candy without any need of additives/ preservatives. Because the absence of all moisture in candy intensifies the whole taste and make the whole candy more flavourful.
- Extended the span life of Freeze dried Candy: Basically, freeze drying candy removes the product moisture which is normally the primary factor in the spoilage of food. So, in result freeze dried candy has a better and longer span life of product as compared to regular shelf life of any product.
- Lightweight and Easy to Carry: You know freeze dried candy is very lightweight and very easy to carry with yourself. Well, freeze dried candy is very best and excellent choice for those who are in travelling and going for camping trips.
- Unique and Better texture: The process of freeze drying process gives a candy a better and unique airy texture through which you can feel satisfying crunch while eating the candy. Also Read: Can You Eat Freeze Dried Candy with Braces?
- Minimum loss of Nutrient: It’s totally different process from traditional candy. Freeze dried candy maintains all the nutrients and taste for longer period of time.
Why freeze Dry Candy?
Many people ask one question here that why freeze dry candy is best. So, the answer of this question is that freeze dry candy has various advantages which makes it more favourite among candy enthusiasts. Just because of its:
What do you need to make Freeze Dried Candy?

If you are making freeze drying candy then, you have to use freeze dryer but if you haven’t purchase freeze dryer machine the, you can use dry ice in order to make freeze dry candy. Some materials are importantly you need to make freeze dry candy:
- First of all, choose your favourite candy.
- Dry Ice or freeze dryer machine (Dry ice is available in market easily)
- Styrofoam or well insulated contain with lid.
- You must have tray.
- Parchment or silicon sheet.
- Oven mitts.
- Tongs.
- Ventilated area or outdoor space.
Unique Facts about Freeze Dried candy:
Shelf Life of Freeze Dry Candy
Freeze Dry candy normally lasts for at least 5 years. But I have to mention one thing is that average life span of freeze drying normally depends on your product which you freeze, because it can last for maximum 25 years. There’s no any other method of preserving any food as long as this freeze drying process is
Freeze drying products used by Astronauts
You know that astronauts are also using freeze drying food items since 1960’s. Because it makes the product very lightweight and easy to carry product through this way, you are able to supply food items to many people very easily and you are able to save food items for longer period of time.
What happens When you freeze dry candy?
Every candy tends to behaves differently when freeze dried but there are some candies which works better instead of various other candies like such candies which contains high sugar and gummy candies works in a best way when freeze dried. For example: Skittles, because it contains sugar with the starch which gives a nice chewing and gummy texture of candy.
Outer side of candy remains hard but the inner side puffs and when person bite, it gives pop feel like a popcorn.
But you know that other candies which is having multiple texture behaves differently in each of all these parts. O, for this nerd gummy candies is an obscure candy, but such gummy candies becomes more popular as a freeze dried candy because its remain same from outside but gives puffs feel from the inner side. So, the overall result of this candy is wonderful just because of mix flavours and textures.

Plus, it gives you very neat looking like and alien treat which is very fun full way when giving in the Halloween basket. Also Read: How to Freeze Dry Candy Without a Machine?
Well, as you know that some candies contain chocolate which is having sugar and mostly accumulate fats. So, for your information (I will tell you that fats do not freeze dry or does not change in the dryer.) This means that such candies which contains ingredients like sugar and chocolate like caramel have unique results too.
For example, if a man who is running ice cream shop and he need a freeze dry candy for ice cream topping. So, for that purpose I will suggest you to purchase freeze dryer in order to make your own freeze drying candies because through you are able save a lot of money instead of buying ready made candies.
But if you are not having time and space available in your shop then, you have to contact with those who are having bulk batch of freeze dries candies. As you know the demand of such candies are so high that’s why the retail price is very high. So, if you want freeze dried in bulk quantity then, purchase from Etsy and amazon etc.
Where to Buy Freeze Dry Candy:
Normally, it depends on your location that on which place you are living. Well, the best and perfect places to buy freeze dry candy are amazon, festivals and in the farmer’s markets. In farmer’s market, you will see a small scale business of freeze dry candy which they sell to give you better taste.
But here some peoples sell their dried candy on its shops, but many peoples are selling their freeze dry candy on online platforms like amazon, Etsy etc. One of the best platform is to buy the freeze dry candy is Etsy because there are many sellers are selling their dried cadies and having vast variety of candies available. Well, I have to mention one thing that many people ask where to buy freeze dry candy in a bulk. Also Read: How Long Does It Take to Freeze Dry Candy?
What are the Best Candy to
Freeze Dry?
What are the Best Candies to Freeze Dry?
Whether you are trying to make your own freeze drying candies or going to buy freeze dried candies. All depends on your tastes. There are various of types of freeze dry candies are available in the market today. You know some freeze dry candies are better than other candies. For example: Freeze dried milk duds comes under one of the best freeze dry candies because the caramel filling inside works wonderfully.
But you know that the most popular freeze dry candy is skittles. But there are many other options are available which we will discussed later on by one. But some chocolate candies which have high sugar work well in the freeze dryer like caramel as is discussed earlier. Generally, such candies work well in the freeze dryer which contains sugar like sugar, gummy ad marshmallow candies etc. But such candies which contains fats like chocolate and have low sugar are unable to freeze dry well.
Freeze Dried Skittles
Well, regular freeze dried candy comes under the most popular candy. But after that even some people like me and my cousin which don’t like skittles but you know that freeze dried skittles are totally different in taste. If you haven’t try any freeze dried candy then, you must start with freeze dried skittles.
Texture and flavour makes the difference. Well, the skittles taste remains same but if you the candy is crunchy instead of chewy which dissolve in your mouth gives you different flavour and enhances your whole flavour experience.
Freeze Dry Jolly Ranchers
Well, jolly ranchers are also a most popular option in the market of freeze dry candy. It’s also very profitable, if you are selling freeze dry candy then, 5 to 6 jolly ranchers are almost fill the pouch and you are able to sell this pack in just $5 to $8 which is more than dollar per piece.
Peppermint candies also a popular freeze dry candies. This candy is also most spicy for various kids but as an adult, but I really appreciate the whole intense flavour of this mint candy. I am really sure that you are not able to get this type of mint taste from any other candy.
Freeze Dried Warheads
Freeze dried warheads are one of the unique candy because this is hard sweet candy which is normally coated with the powder of citric acid just to give you a complete sensation of complete sour until it goes through the sweet core.
Freeze Dried Gummy Bear Candy
Freeze Dried gummy bear is also a most popular choice in the market of freeze dry candy. It contains starch and gelatin in order to make this candy soft which gives your chewing experience. This candy crumbled apart like various other hard sugar candies.
Freeze Dried Gummy Worms
It’s also same like the gummy bear candy but this time it is coated with citric acid from outside just to give you a sour taste. This candy is also give your sour hit not as much as warheads do. But it maintains the sour taste just to keep all the things interesting. Its best for Halloween giveaways.
Freeze Dried Nerd Clusters and Ropes
Gummy nerd clusters are actually a gummy candy which is dotted with the hard candy from outside. But the nerd stays same but the gummy candy puffs from inside. This candy gives you feel like alien candy which is best for gifting purpose because It has very unique look.
Freeze Dried Peach Rings
Freeze Dried peach rings comes under the freeze dry candy because it’s most popular candy in the market. You know that artificial peach candy taste is not so much good but, you know this freeze dried peach candy taste is incredible. My family loves it and both have devoted cult following.
Other Popular Freeze Dried Candies:
There are various other popular candies are available in the market. But, I will tell you that all such candies which are mentioned below are just starting list:
- Freeze Dried caramel Apple Pops.
- Freeze Dried Taffy.
- Freeze Dried Marshmallow.
- Freeze Dried Twix.
- Freeze Dried Jelly Beans.
- Freeze Dried Charleston Chew.
- Freeze Dried Bits O Honey.
- Freeze Dried Starburst.
- Freeze Dried Cotton Candy.
- Freeze Dried Peeps. And much more candies which are available in the market.
Other Freeze Dry Treats:
There are many freeze dried things instead of just freeze dried candy. And all such candies work best and wonderful. Such other treats are:
- Freeze Dried Cheesecake.
- Freeze Dried Ice Cream.
- Freeze Dried Jello.
- Crispy Rice Treats which is freeze dried.
Want to learn more about freeze drying candy or freeze drying guides then, stay with us and learn complete information about how to freeze drying and which items you can use as a freeze drying items. If you like our site then, share with your friends and family.
Learn More About Freeze Dry Candies and How can Make it
Best freeze dryer for candy:
freeze drying candies is not only a preservation method but it’s a true journey in the sweet life. If you are trying to any experiment with the skittles or with the classic gummies, Freeze drying have open doors for all the creativity which is not present before.
Can you Freeze Dry Candy in a Dehydrator?
One of the most repeated question in our list is can you freeze dry candy in a dehydrator? Basically, in the process of freeze drying water is removed in the form of moisture through which the shelf life of freeze dried candies increases. Plus, the taste of each candy similar like the original candy and it retains 97% nutritional value content which is far better than other preserving methods.
How Long Does It Take to Freeze Dry Candy?
Freeze dried candies is a little but tough process because it normally takes 20 to 40 hours and some contain 5 to 6 hours all depends on which type of candies you are using. Generally, the more water a candy has then, the more time the process can take. Later in this article, we will breakdown which factors takes so much time.
How to Freeze Dry Candy Without a Machine?
Always remember that if you are not having any one thing which is mentioned in the above list then, first buy and then start making the freeze dried candy. Follow steps which are mentioned below in order to know how to make freeze dry candy without a machine which are mentioned in this article.