Why does freeze dried candy expand?
Well, if you go with the freeze dried candy then, you know that it’s texture changes into airy and crunchy form, which immediately melts in your mouth. But one of the main thing is to understand that why does freeze dried candy expand?
And what makes the freeze dried candies expand? Well, this question becomes one of the great mysteries of our universe and you know that luckily we are having the answer of this question just for your clear understanding. Also Read: How Long Does It Take to Freeze Dry Candy?
Generally, the freeze dried candy usually expand just because of the process which is normally called sublimation process. Basically, warming the candy from the very low temperature while in the very low pressure changes all the moisture directly from the ice to vapor inside the freeze dried candies. As all the water expands, So, does the candy.
Why Does Freeze Dried Candy Expand in Freeze Dryer?
Many Candies usually not comes under the any category. Because some candies are not in solid state or neither in liquid state.
Such candies normally come in between state because sometimes we like chewy candies. Such candies are in the semisolid state example like a glass. Generally, it acts like a solid state but you know just for a short term. But, at the consistent level of moisture, its starts flow very slowly at a normal room temperature and there’s no structure available in the candy which prevent the candies from doing so.
When the candy starts to sublime means expanding and flying outward, this force creates bubbles in semisolid state candy as it expands along with the water vapours. Plus, the sugar content in the candy gives elasticity which generally keeps the candy away from cracking during the process of sublimation. Also Read: How to Freeze Dry Candy Without a Machine?
When all the moisture is gone and the candy becomes completely solid. So, it maintains it rigid foam type structure indefinitely. Well, few candies expand during the freeze drying process like skittles, caramel. Jolly ranchers and taffy etc.
Why Don’t Few Candies Expand?
Well, you know that sublimation process does not cause all the candies expand. Because there are several types of freeze dried candies which does not expand while its go through the process of freeze drying process. Mostly candies fit in the one of two main categories:
Food with Low Moisture Content:
Normally, sublimation process only works when the food is having moisture in it which causes the food to expand. But, if the food is not having moisture the, you didn’t notice any change in the food structure. Well, Candy corns are usually come under this category. Such candies become crunchy, buy they don’t expand much at all. Also Read: Can You Eat Freeze Dried Candy with Braces?
Food with High Oil Content:
Such candies which include a lot of oil typically do not expand as much as other candies. Plus, such candies do not change its texture. It’s all because oil in the candies does not evaporate that’s why the candies remains same as in the original state. One of the best example of this candy is Peanut Butter candy.
Some other candy things are rumoured that do not work well in the freeze dryer. Few examples related to this category are Honey and syrup. It normally happens because after a typical run in freeze dryer, they immediately get thick and chewy. But such candies retain much of its moisture. They normally describe like an amorphous solid state. Hmm. Sounds familiar…
Well, our theory is that as we know honey and syrup are having so much moisture. So, it takes more than one run in order to remove all the water from the candy.
How Does a Freeze Dryer Cause Sublimation Process?
Freeze dryer sets stage for the sublimation process just by reducing the temperature to frigid -50 F. Through this way, it’s quickly keep the ice crystals from usually growing too big.
Then, at this point vacuum pump sucks all the air which is present in the chamber. At this point, nothing has changed about the frozen food, just it becomes too cold.
Gradually, the temperature of freeze dryer begins to rise. Now, just because of low pressure, all the ice crystals transform into vapours, similarly when the dry ice does at normal room temperature. Again, the gas in the freeze dryer chamber rapidly decrease and refreezes on all its walls. That’s how sublimation process has occurred.
This freeze drying process normally repeat it’s cycle up-to three times in order to remove all 98 to 99% of moisture from the candy. Also Read: How to make freeze dried skittles?
Why Don’t Other Foods Expand When Freeze Dried?
You know it’s 100% true that most of the food items don’t expand when they go through the process of freeze drying. They retain its original shape. So, one question arises here is Then, What’s the difference? Many food items like fruits, meats and vegetables have cellular like structures. So, these structures hold its original shape even when it’s go through the sublimation process in the freeze dryer.
You will notice that when food items cooked or dehydrated. Most of the food items become shrink. This usually happens because all the water in the food helps to prop the cells structure. If you don’t know how cells look like then, you can think of water balloon.
Balloon is round because it filled with the water. So, if you put the needle in the balloon all the water goes out and the balloon will shrink. But here you know that balloon stored so much water that’s why balloon won’t expand.
So, why does freeze dried food expand or not expand in the freeze dryer? When the vapor is developing is the only time it might be sufficiently pliable to deflate. However, the moisture is expanding so quickly that pressure builds up until it disappears. It functions similarly to crystallizing a balloon before releasing the water, enabling it to maintain its shape even when devoid of water. Also Read: Why does freeze dried candy expand?
Are There Any Other Foods that Expand?
Well, candies are not the only thing which act like amorphous solid that expands when go through the process of freeze drying. The process is not same like the process of candy because they normally don’t have the content of sugar which maintains cohesiveness. But, if they normally have some other way in order to hold together, they will expand. Few examples are mentioned below:
Egg White:
Basically Egg whites always don’t expand, but many times we see that while making omelet. We things that it happens just because of protein which is best for building foam, That’s why meringue exist and similar like meringue, expand doesn’t work if you will mix the yolk. Because of too much fat proteins bind correctly.
Mashed Potatoes:
It also doesn’t create foam like structure just similar like a candy and the egg white. Mashed potatoes are expanding, only when there’s no yeast is present in it. This is because gluten which is the hero of any sponge and paper Mache.
Well, now you get the answer of this question why does freeze dried candy expand? and what are the items which does not expand like egg whites, mashed potatoes, bread dough etc. As I discussed that there are two types of food which does expand are: one the food with low content moisture and the 2nd one is food with the high oil content. I hope you like this article, Don’t forget to taste the freeze dried candies because its best for you and your family.